A land so pure, powerful and rich with striking beauty
So hypnotizing are her emerald fields it’s almost hard to believe
With colours so vibrant and deep, an artist simply can not recreate,
Her scenery will tattoo within your memory, and is never destined to leave.
A land of giants, eternal youth and ancient legend
Scorned by hatred, bigots, famine, oppression.
Mythical tales recited to the old in pubs, and the childer as they sleep,
Eye-witnessed memories forever re-lived with grief, pain, anger, depression.
A land with folk so warm and welcoming, even in their times of need,
Legendary hospitality and banter that could melt thick frost in mid-December.
People so strong they dance the céilì on their 90th annum
Whilst recalling all those victims buried young, horror we wish not to remember.
A land with such beauty she provoked war for over 8 hundred years
Man-made rivalry taint her life force, we wonder will it ever cease?
Blinded by ownership, faith, flags, hate; so blissfully ignorant they can not see,
That the true keepers of this land are not man, but beauty, purity, nature, peace.
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